On Fire!

On Fire!

  Fire is the element of vitality and passion. It springs up fast and wild, and needs to be fueled to remain bright. It's symbolic of energy, creation, and transformation. This has been a summer of transformation, and I feel myself burning wild and bright! Within...

A New Geography

A New Geography

Deep fissures carve their way into my heart from watching the aftermath of destruction in Nepal, as well as from exhuming my own past. Two years this week since Nepal’s devastating earthquakes, and so many people still living in dire conditions.   The government...

Upheaval and Restructuring

Upheaval and Restructuring

  A year since the Nepal earthquake, and I am finally feeling like myself again, feeling whole again. Healing is a slow process. At first I didn’t even realize how broken I was. My focus was entirely outward—on the safety and care of the clients I needed to...



Suddenly my life exploded. Within one month of returning to San Francisco in May, I sat a 5-day silent meditation retreat, bought a home, and moved…in addition to working with my business clients, meeting friends, celebrating birthdays, returning to yoga, and dancing...

Finding My Joy

Finding My Joy

Nepalis generally don't hesitate to state the obvious with friends and family -- and they're rather observant. They greet me and appraise with me (with affection). If I've gained weight since my last visit, they tell me I'm a little fatter than last year. If I've...

Recalibrate and Return

Recalibrate and Return

Reposting with photos corrected... Spring comes, and I begin my regular pilgrimage towards the highest peaks on earth. About 35 hours from home on one side of the planet to a hotel on the other. Across the ocean, time pauses in Hong Kong airport. Layovers are like...

Back And Better Than Ever

Back And Better Than Ever

  Returning home feels better than ever! (Except that maybe it always feels this good.) It's a joy and a relief--a smooth season with no emergencies and a return to the sweet sanctuary of home. I buy blueberries and strawberries, cook quinoa and kale, reunite...

Beginning Again

Beginning Again

  This life I lead, its cyclical nature of comings and can be hard on relationships and friendships, on my body, on my time, on my work, on my practices. It pulls me out of my routines of running, yoga, meditation. It pulls me away from clients,...

Home Is A Pleasure

Home Is A Pleasure

I didn't know how much I needed this thing called home, but I steeped myself in it, gratefully, joyfully, gluttonously. Home is a place of refuge, and I was ready to take shelter. In May, it felt like the years of travel had suddenly caught up with me. That, and a...



Arching panes of rain-spattered glass shield me from the heat and moisture of Hong Kong. Framed by a lustrous steel endoskeleton, the airport seating area has triple the space of a cathedral and one hundred times the light. My gaze wanders out across the water and...

When It’s Hard…

When It’s Hard…

    One of the great pleasures of travel is returning home. Enveloped by familiar space,  greeted by smiling faces, gliding through everyday routines, luxuriating in simple comforts. When I'm traveling in Nepal, I often forget how much effort is expended...

Trekking In Bhutan: Acceptance

Trekking In Bhutan: Acceptance

Our days take us past neon yellow larch forests, plus rhododendron, silver fir, and birch, until we are above the tree line in an alpine valley. Mornings, the earth vibrates with horsehoofs as our pack animals near the tents and await their breakfast. We arrive at the...